Cardiovascular Disease and Hearing Loss

Cardiovascular disease has been linked to hearing loss by several recent correlation studies. Research indicates that those with heart disease have more than 50% likelihood of having some form of hearing loss compared to those with healthy hearts.
It is not a surprise that heart disease affects our hearing. Healthy hearing requires oxygenated blood flow to the ears, which is restricted in the case of those with cardiovascular disease. Lack of sufficient blood supply to the ears results in permanent damage to the delicate hair follicles within the inner ear that are responsible for transmitting sound impulses towards the brain. These hair follicles do not regenerate, which is why hearing loss is an irreversible problem.
Our auditory system is incredibly sensitive and is prone to damage due to various factors. Loud noises can result in the damage of the hair follicles, as can poor health caused by diseases such as cardiovascular disease.
Conversely, the presence of hearing loss is often indicative of heart disease. Since hearing loss results from lack of proper blood supply to the ears, it can be an early indication of underlying cardiovascular disease. This is why hearing loss should always be examined by a hearing care professional, to help uncover any other underlying causes.
If you are above the age of 50, it is a good idea to schedule an annual hearing screening to check whether you have hearing loss. If you fail the screening, make sure you schedule a hearing exam to get your hearing tested by a professional. Remember, your hearing health also determines your heart health.
Hearing loss is the third most prevalent health condition in the United States. The top reason for death in America is heart disease. This is why neither hearing loss nor cardiovascular disease should ever be neglected.
Early detection of hearing loss as well as heart disease can help prevent further damage. Always practice healthy eating habits and maintain an active lifestyle to prevent heart disease as well as give your ears a healthy boost of oxygenated blood. For a healthy heart and healthy ears, refrain from drinking and smoking. Make sure you get restful sleep and keep stress at bay by using relaxation techniques. Your health is more valuable than anything you can ever hope to achieve in this lifetime. Take good care of it to make sure all the rest of your days are enjoyable, healthy, and happy.